In this week’s podcast, Tabitha talks to Ari Snaevarsson about bodybuilding, gyms, and his perspective on how the fitness culture influences people with eating disorders.
Ari Snaevarsson is a certified nutritionist* who has worked a great deal with disordered eating clients. He also works as a counselor and dietetic technician at a residential treatment center for eating disorders. Coming from a background of competitive bodybuilding, Ari has himself recovered from an eating disorder marked by severe restrict-binge cycles. Ari is devoted to helping those struggling to escape the prison of food anxiety and body hatred.
My site (100 Days of Food Freedom):
My book (same name):
As a male who progressed from having an eating disorder to disordered eating and severe body image issues, I felt this podcast really made a lot of great points. I appreciated the discussion about fitness culture as my orthorexia/anorexic mindset constantly reinforced that negativity in such a positive way, insisting that the payoff would be worth it if I would work harder during my next workout session or just stick to my dieting routine without fault. That “perfect body” was always just a few more months away.
Its frustrating that we’re making so many cultural strides with the “body positivity” movement but so many people still assume everyone is working out to lose weight and that weight loss is equated with better health and more restrictive eating seen as a component of developing a fitter, leaner physique. But for so many people it just results in misery and guilt. We have so far to go culturally, still, before we’re truly “body positive”.
So I want to thank you for this interview and your website on the whole, Tabitha. Reading your blog inspired me to really push myself out of the “recovery middle ground” of doubt and self-hatred you’ve discussed in previous posts and to work towards true healing. We need more blogs and messages like this on the internet devoted to real advice and genuine change and support. So thank you.