Boulder Yoga Project

Tabitha founded a not for profit organization called Boulder Yoga Project in 2011

Her reasons behind this stemmed from her personal struggle with overcoming the habitual and behavioural aspects of anorexia, and how yoga had helped her overcome these.

“My mind was not willing to let go of my obsessions so being the headstrong type of person that I was, I was very very good a being self destructive. I had a mind- body severance, I did not care that my body was ebbing away. I also placed my disorder over and above my family, friends and community and saw their hurt as an unavoidable by – product of what I needed to do.”

Tabitha experienced first hand the difference that a yoga practice could make to an individual in disunion. She founded Boulder Yoga Project to help yoga instructors lead in service and to give back to the practice that contributed so strongly to her recovery.


At BYP we not only teach therapeutic yoga classes to individuals and populations in need, we run workshops and trainings to empower individuals to take home the stress relieving practice of yoga and provide ongoing support so that these individuals continue to practice.


We encourage the practice of yoga to provide a platform of greater union between different ethnic groups in Boulder and groups of different socio economic status. On the yoga mat all individuals are valued and treated the same and we have seen much power in the practice of yoga to heal not only undesirable behaviors in the individual but also in the community.


As individuals grow in self – esteem and a desire to look after themselves as a result of a regular yoga practice we see individuals able to break the cycle of self- destructive behaviors. This leaves them in a better place to seek employment and participate further in community activities.




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