Anorexia Speaks


Anorexia Speaks

‘The actions and events accounted for in this book amazed and disturbed me as I wrote them. My own activities on a daily basis so much greater than the human body should be able to stand. A devastating achievement’- Excerpt from Prologue Anorexia Speaks.

Anorexia Speaks (70,000 words) describes a 24 hour period in the day and the mind of a 22 year old woman suffering a severe eating disorder. Her activities and thoughts are depicted in two perspectives. The first is that of her rational mind as she struggles to remain in her perceived position of control. The second is the voice of her eating disorder that has been a strong and destructive influence on her life for 5 years already.

This memoir is a stark portrayal of the devastation that an eating disorder can have on not only the sufferer, but the parents, friends and family involved. Contradictory thoughts and actions show the reader the psychology behind the visual representation of Anorexia Nervosa and the complex nature of the illness. Tabitha was inspired to write Anorexia Speaks after a number of emails and messages of support that she received since she started blogging about her journey and experience with Anorexia Nervosa.

Anorexia Speaks will help sufferers to reach an understanding of the distinction between their own mind and body and the conflicting thoughts that they may experience. It is a book to aid understanding of a disorder that is growing at a rapid rate in our society. With 80% of 10 year olds reported to have concerns about their weight this is a subject area that affects a staggering amount of people. Anorexia Speaks can help demystify this complex disorder.

Anorexia Speaks is completed and is currently being professionally edited. This book will be the first in a line of books that Tabitha intends to write addressing the nature of eating disorders. Tabitha has drafted and is currently working on Anorexia Listens which will explain the factors that influenced her illness.



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