- Fried Eggs and Thunder Thighs (10)
- Rehabilitate, Rewire, Recover, Second Edition (7)
- I’ve not been blogging because I like being lazy (13)
- When therapists say shit like: “Maybe your hunger is actually you trying to fill a void in your life” (21)
- Lunchbox policing (6)
- When Eating Disorder Professionals are a Liability: Fear of Weight Gain (35)
- Fear of Weight Gain: Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn (24)
- Permission to Eat (15)
- Eating Disorder Recovery: COVID-19 (19)
- Eating Disorder Recovery and Sex Drive (10)
- Recovering Alone (13)
- You were never supposed to be micro-managing your food intake (10)
- Mental Hunger: “I don’t know if I am hungry or not” (11)
- I cried after talking with your parents tonight (26)
- Compulsive Movement: The answer is still “yes.” (10)
- Being Responsible For Your Recovery Isn’t The Same As Being Alone In Your Recovery (12)
- If you’re not actively recovering, you are dying. (76)
- Thanks for listening! (16)
- Unsuppressed Bodyweight. Unsuppressed Personality. (7)
- Triple R Recovery Center (11)
- Recovery stories: Recovering from an eating disorder with bariatric surgery [Podcast] (1)
- “Thinner is better” is a cultural belief that’s making us sick (3)
- Food is so much more than just nutrition. By design. (12)
- JD Ouellette: Experts by Experience Peer Mentoring in the Eating Disorder Field (0)
- How to rewire your brain to believe that your weight doesn’t matter (10)
- For Sarah [Podcast] (11)
- Getting your weird little OCD traits to work for you in recovery (12)
- Ask Dr G: Considering trans and non-binary individuals in eating disorder treatment [Podcast] (1)
- Dr Cynthia Bulik: Recent study identifies eight risk loci and implicates metabo-psychiatric origins for anorexia nervosa (5)
- Atypical Anorexia (Podcast) (5)
- How not to allow the Ditch of Fear to swallow you in recovery. (5)
- Eating past tears, and choosing to smile. (15)
- Eating Disorder Recovery: The brain doesn’t magically “heal” itself. You have to neurally rewire it. (1)
- Will I ever be able to exercise again? (5)
- Actually it IS about the food: a talk with psychotherapist Danielle B. Grossman [Podcast] (6)
- Rewiring Fear: Recognising, Challenging, Overcoming (8)
- Eating food is not a math equation. Stop methodizing eating. (21)
- Funding deficit for eating disorders: Taking action in the UK [Podcast] (3)
- Why you can’t recover from an eating disorder on your safe food (7)
- Recovering when you’re a no-nonsense guy who totally doesn’t have anorexia but has some sort of problem [Podcast] (4)
- Eating disorder treatment: Fear of food is the epidemic we have to face, not obesity (3)
- Eating disorders and substance use: avoiding the whack-a-mole game in treatment [Podcast] (1)
- PSA: The fat on your body is there by design (3)
- How eating disorders affect our values, and our decisions [Podcast] (3)
- Eating Disorder Recovery Questions: How do I know if I want more food? (14)
- Dr G: Muscles in recovery, and how you can have an eating disorder in any size body (4)
- Eating disorders and disabilities: cerebral palsy (0)
- Why ignoring lived experience is the biggest mistake the mental health field ever made (10)
- Migration/Adapt to Flee Famine theory and fear [Podcast] (4)
- Eating Disorder Treatment Lessons: Treatment should not traumatize patients (12)
- Recovery Stories: 11 years old and pushing for recovery [Podcast] (2)
- Change. Change. Change. Change everything! (4)
- Six ‘biases’ against patients and carers in evidence-based medicine [Podcast] (0)
- Recovery Stories: Eating Disorders and Stealing (15)
- Q & A on some aspects of Rehabilitate, Rewire, Recover! (5)
- Response to podcast on why eating disorder treatment fails people (11)
- Intention, Motivation, Commitment: The difference between wanting to recover, and actually recovering (14)
- “Surviving” the holidays [Podcast] (3)
- Treatment Stories: Being shamed for wanting more food (4)
- You can’t fight your biology and win. Your body’s only agenda is health. (6)
- Treatment fails eating disorder patients. We can do better (3)
- Bodybuilding, gyms, and eating disorders: A guy’s perspective [Podcast] (1)
- Anorexia recovery: Act on the truth, and only the truth (2)
- Eating disorder treatment should never punish eating [Podcast] (2)
- What Yoga Teachers Need to Know About Eating Disorders (5)
- Why eating disorder treatment fails people by making eating more complicated [Podcast] (6)
- Eating disorder treatment professionals: Stop telling people “binge” eating is bad (10)
- Notes on Full Recovery [Podcast] (0)
- Anorexia recovery: Be the agent rather than the victim (4)
- The scale: To weigh or not to weigh in recovery [Podcast] (2)
- Full Recovery: Mental Flexibility (4)
- Full recovery means even stressful situations aren’t as stressful (4)
- Dr Adele LaFrance: Emotion Focused Family Therapy (0)
- Emotional Eating [Podcast] (1)
- “My therapist was more scared of my weight gain than I was …” and other recovery stories (11)
- [Podcast] Dr Lauren Muhlheim’s new book: When your teen has an eating disorder (0)
- Stigma, stereotypes, and under-diagnosis of eating disorders (5)
- Neural Rewiring For Full Recovery From An Entrenched Eating Disorder (0)
- Recovery Stories: Blue Milk [Podcast] (1)
- Recovery stories: Cannabis and eating disorder recovery (4)
- Malnutrition is a serious medical condition. Talk therapy isn’t always sufficient (3)
- Malnutrition is a serious medical condition. Talk therapy isn’t always sufficient (1)
- Recovery Stories: Connection and Advocacy [Podcast] (0)
- Recovery From Restrictive Eating: Other People’s Food (6)
- Fiona Willer: Weight stigma, lifestyle assumptions, and how to spot a true HAES practitioner (1)
- Recovery Commitments: No compulsive movement, rules, or rituals (2)
- HAES Series: Going deep with Deb Burgard (0)
- Recovery Commitments: Unrestricted eating (6)
- Recovery Commitments: Weight Gain (13)
- June Alexander: Recovery as an adult, and writing. (0)
- Recovery commitments: Allow it to be simple (6)
- Rebecca Scritchfield 2018: Body Kindness and postpartum body image (0)
- When you partner has an eating disorder: Avoiding intimacy (0)
- Family support: is it appropriate for adults too? [Podcast] (0)
- Complusive Movement Cold Turkey: Creating space for new things (11)
- Why my eating disorder turned me into a grocery thief [Podcast] (0)
- Your Brain on Malnutrition: Stealing (1)
- Restrictive Eating Disorders and Hoarding [Podcast] (0)
- Your Brain on Malnutrition: Eating Disorders and Money (7)
- Recovery Stories: Unrestricted eating and freedom [Podcast] (1)
- Your Brain on Malnutrition: Anorexia and Hoarding (6)
- Your Brain on Malnutrition: Scarcity Mindset (5)
- Recovery Stories: The dangers of diabulimia (2)
- If you are restricting, purging, compensating, regardless of your body size, this blog is for you (0)
- Ask Dr G: Edema [Podcast] (9)
- Mid-Recovery Clusterfuck: Body Guilt (2)
- Lower-level movement and why it is scary to be still (8)
- Recovery Stories: Recovering despite weight stigma in eating disorder treatment [Podcast] (1)
- Let’s talk about sex … (and relationships) (5)
- [Podcast] Dr Colleen Reichmann on recovery, HEAS, body diversity, and advocacy. (1)
- Just because you are an adult with anorexia doesn’t mean shouldn’t have support (0)
- Podcast: Study shows diet talk and behaviour passes down through generations (0)
- “If start eating I won’t stop” and other anorexia recovery worries (19)
- Recovery Stories: Kayla K and why all diets should be damned! [Podcast] (2)
- Force feeding yourself as an adult [Podcast] (6)
- New Book: Rehabilitate, Rewire, Recover! (13)
- Once again, dear doctors: A person can have anorexia at any size! (1)
- Recovery Stories: Anorexia recovery with kids [Podcast] (0)
- Recovery Stories: Allow for body diversity when setting target weights (2)
- My cold turkey journey: Fear (1)
- Why Weight Watchers can go to hell with their “FREE” teens membership (12)
- Stop gaslighting eating disorder patients (and parents) (13)
- Recovery Stories: Elisa Oras, feast eating, and coming out the other side [Podcast] (1)
- Recovery Stories: How allowing my parents to refeed me saved my life [Podcast] (4)
- Question/Answer: Why is it so difficult for me to eat more? (1)
- Rachel Millner: School Dinner Policing, BMI Report Cards, and the importance of a HAES approach for kids (2)
- Podcast on eating disorders and yoga (0)
- Why recovery blogs (such as this one) should be read with discretion (6)
- Ask Dr G: Anorexia, malnutrition and your bones (9)
- Dr Laura Hill: Motivation to Change in Anorexia Recovery [Podcast] (4)
- Recovered. Not perpetually “in recovery.” Not forever “recovering.” (5)
- Recovery Feast Eating [Podcast] (3)
- Why BMI is Bullshit (16)
- The State of Science: Sugar Addiction [Podcast] (1)
- Event Restriction [Podcast] (1)
- You can be underweight at any size (7)
- Why eating without restriction really is the healthiest option (6)
- Don’t be the martyr! Relax! [Video] (2)
- Happy Thanksgiving 2017! (4)
- Dr G: Hormones (and how eating disorders affect them!) (2)
- Orthorexia: Why it’s healthy to eat “unhealthy” foods. Unrestricted. (4)
- Defining Mental Hunger (23)
- Dear Doctor … [Podcast] (0)
- A note for yoga instructors, about eating disorders (1)
- A couple of recent podcasts … (0)
- Ask Dr G: Eating Disorders and Metabolism [Podcast] (9)
- Defining Mental Hunger And Why It Is Important In Anorexia Recovery [Podcast] (11)
- Male vs Female Treatment Experiences in Eating Disorder Treatment (0)
- How do I stop comparing what I eat to what other people eat? (7)
- Before recovery vs. after recovery (0)
- Anorexia Recovery as an Adult: Teenage Brat Syndrome (3)
- Defining Restriction. Defining Unrestricted Eating (2)
- Anorexia Made Me Tell Pork Pies (6)
- Dr Jennifer Gaudiani: Tummy Troubles in Eating Disorder Recovery (8)
- Eating Disorder Science: Variants in neuropeptide signaling are associated with disordered eating behaviors (0)
- Clinicians, you do not help us recover from Anorexia when you set low target weights and food intakes! (6)
- ARFID: An interview with an adult with Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (10)
- Anorexia Fears: Using Migration Science to Explain Fear of Eating and Weight Gain (1)
- Anorexia Fears: Eating More (10)
- Anorexia recovery while managing a young family [Podcast] (3)
- Anorexia and Kleptomania (5)
- Shan Guisinger: Adapt to Flee Famine Perspective of Anorexia Evolution (7)
- Anorexia Recovery, Weight Restoration, and Energy Debt (6)
- Energy Deficit | Energy Debt | Target Weights | Weight vs State Restoration [Podcast] (11)
- Slack group question answers: If you’ve had treatment for your ED, what do you find has been most helpful? (1)
- Eating Disorders and PTSD [Podcast] (0)
- I don’t care what Lily Collins or anyone else says, there is no “safe” way to lose weight if you have Anorexia. (10)
- Going Sane — exposing malpractice in the mental health industry (1)
- You do not have to be thin to have Anorexia | You do not have to be thin to be underweight (28)
- The importance of recognizing Anorexia in people in larger bodies (2)
- Mental health patients do not fail treatment. Treatment fails patients. (5)
- Podcast: Challenging intake guidelines — Dr Graham Redgrave (16)
- Anorexia Recovery: Becoming Recovery-Body Proud (6)
- Exercise Trackers, BMI, Obesity, and Anorexia Treatment (0)
- Anorexia Recovery: The New Body Problem (11)
- How ARFID differs from AN/BN — science of picky eating (2)
- Do you need talk therapy in order to recover from Anorexia? (2)
- Stomach problems in Anorexia recovery (46)
- Anorexia Recovery: The problem with “intuitive eating” (23)
- Anorexia Recovery as an Adult: Sustaining recovery when life happens (1)
- Anorexia and Exercise 2: The lower-level movement trap (13)
- Exercise and Anorexia: The Case for Cold Turkey (36)
- Anorexia Recovery as an Adult: Letting go of nutritional science (24)
- Anorexia is a Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorder and should be treated as such … (10)
- Anorexia recovery and food rules: Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better (11)
- Adults in Recovery Workshop Coming Up! (0)
- Anorexia Recovery as an Adult: My body is not a calculator … and mental hunger counts! (25)
- Anorexia Recovery: What about when I am not hungry? (20)
- The trouble with target weights in Anorexia recovery: Living paycheck to paycheck (6)
- Donate (0)
- Anorexia Recovery: Why is it that treatment seems to serve my eating disorder better than it serves my recovery? (14)
- Anorexia: Mid-Recovery Clusterfuck (Charlie Foxtrot) (2)
- Finding Recovery Motivation — Scrapping the Anorexia Identity (7)
- Anorexia Recovery As An Adult: School Of Failure (5)
- Eating Disorder Recovery and Family Life: Picky Eaters and Innocent triggers (1)
- Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2017 Roundup (1)
- [Video] It is okay to eat a lot of food in Anorexia recovery (11)
- Anorexia Recovery Eating: There is never too much food (70)
- Anorexia Recovery Binges: You do NOT have Binge Eating Disorder! (54)
- My Daughter is an “Ethical” Vegan (With Anorexia) … (40)
- Extreme Hunger in Anorexia Recovery: What Happens with the Meal Plan? (21)
- Eating Disorders and Family Life: Household Triggers (0)
- Extreme Hunger in Anorexia Recovery (62)
- Eating Disorders and Family Life — Mealtime tension, shopping, food choices and exercise (2)
- Eating Disorders: How to Support an Adult with Children Present (1)
- Questioning Perfectionism In Anorexia (4)
- Eating Disorder Recovery — A Matter of Life and … Half Life (5)
- Meditation for Eating Disorders — A Cynics Guide (3)
- Turn Post-Festivity Eating Disorder Stress into Recovery Motivation (0)
- Anosognosia and Eating Disorders — When We Don’t Know We Are Sick (6)
- Inpatient Treatment for Eating Disorders — A Kick Start. Not A Cure (2)
- Negative Energy Balance or Energy Deficit in Anorexia (3)
- Thanksgiving Day Eating Disorder Contract and Survival Tips (0)
- How to Survive Thanksgiving for Adults with Eating Disorders (0)
- Binge Eating in Eating Disorder Recovery (3)
- Support for Parents of Adults with Eating Disorders (20)
- 7 Tips for Getting a Person with an Eating Disorder to Eat with Eva Musby (1)
- How Anorexia Affected My Personality (Introvert/Extrovert) (9)
- Eating Disorders and Money – Part Two (6)
- Anorexia and Money: Recovery meant I had to look at that relationship too! (12)
- Sustaining Eating Disorder Recovery — Conscious to Unconscious Competence (3)
- Conscious Incompetence in Adult Eating Disorder Recovery (0)
- Why I don’t use “Anorexic” to describe people with Anorexia Nervosa (2)
- Eating Disorder Behaviours: Why Taking the Stairs Can Kill You (7)
- Taking Ownership of ED Recovery: Why it is my fault if I relapse and no excuses! (5)
- Adults with Anorexia (7)
- Podcast Episode on How to Overcome Fear of Food in Anorexia (7)
- New Podcast Episode: How I used Family-Based Therapy in Anorexia Recovery (0)
- Podcast Episode: Dr. Muhlheim on Adults with Eating Disorders (0)
- Adults and Anorexia: The need for understanding and treatment (6)
- Writing the Book: Body Confidence. Body Love. Anorexia. (2)
- Why “down-talking” the seriousness of eating disorders doesn’t help recovery (8)
- Back to the veganism and eating disorders conversation (32)
- Keanu Reeves Stands Up for Eating Disorders [Video] (0)
- It’s my 10-year Anorexia recovery anniversary! (6)
- The Role of the Non-Professional Community in Eating Disorder Advocacy (1)
- Can you separate your triggers from your eating disorder? (8)
- Midweek Rant: Rosewood Ranch (5)
- How ex-sufferers can help the eating disorder community (2)
- Why Eating Disorder Treatment Needs an Overhaul (14)
- BBC Woman’s Hour and Anorexia (3)
- Veganism and Eating Disorders: Let’s Be Frank (109)
- Eating Disorder Recovery: Aim to Overshoot (39)
- How to Prepare a Person for Overshoot in Eating Disorder Recovery (20)
- Maybe All of Us Women Should Just Stop Buying Tampons (0)
- Overshoot in Eating Disorder Recovery (34)
- Running Hostage to an Eating Disorder (0)
- Anorexia and Obsessive Exercise (0)
- How Eating Disorders Ruin Relationships (3)
- Device Dependency: Longing for Less Connection (1)
- Love Fat Editouts: Big Fat Binge Liar (1)
- Introvert, Anti-social, or Just Plain Rude? (4)
- Can We Talk About the Difference Between Bring and Take? (18)
- The Modeling Industry and Anorexia (2)
- Question: Does the Urge to Binge During Recovery Ever Cease? (10)
- Love Fat Editouts: Breastfeeding and Santa Claus (0)
- Love Fat Editouts: Cooking Dinner (1)
- Love Fat Editouts: Chia Seeds (3)
- Should PTSD for Disease Exist? (1)
- Holy Crap I Made a Book! (0)
- Don’t “DIS” the Eating Disorder That Could Have Killed Me (2)
- If Parents Cause Eating Disorders Then How the F@#k Did I Get One? (3)
- Thinning Hair Is an Eating Disorder Effect That Recovery Can Overcome (77)
- Question: Does the Urge to Binge Ever Stop? (4)
- 07: Coffee Enemas (2)
- Foods That (Might) “Help” Your Liver Cleanse (0)
- 19: Cleanses and the Liver (4)
- Low calorie formula!? (0)
- Ode to Fat (0)
- Fat Definition, Word Origin, and Nutritional History (3)
- Pica (0)
- What Ancient Mummies Teach Us About Heart Disease and Fat (0)
- Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder (OSFED) (0)
- 5 reasons Anorexia is not about control. (0)
- When Body Image and Eating Disorder Memes Do More Harm than Good
- 3 things I wish everyone knew about Anorexia (0)
- The Fat of The Land (0)
- Can the nutrition of one generation can change the genetics of another? (0)
- My personal experience of the Modeling Industry and Anorexia. (0)
- Warming up, over- exercising and anorexia. (2)
- Study Review; Autism and Anorexia (6)
- Study Review; Minnesota Starvation Experiment (3)
- Exercise in Anorexics; Study Review (0)
- Medical Marijuana and Anorexia (1)
- How Science Helped Me Cope with the ‘Fat Tummy’ in Anorexia Recovery. (169)
- 03: Bring on the Fast Food! (3)