Event Restriction [Podcast]

Event Restriction [Podcast]

In this podcast Tabitha talks about what she refers to as “event restriction.” Event restriction is when you anticipate eating more or resting at an event or time in the future, and therefore try to create a “buffer” by restricting more or...
Thanksgiving Day Eating Disorder Contract and Survival Tips

Thanksgiving Day Eating Disorder Contract and Survival Tips

Thanksgiving day is on the near horizon. I know that people suffering from eating disorders in the USA are already having a hard time dealing with the pre-Thanksgiving meal anxiety, so here are some tools to help everyone enjoy the day.   Thanksgiving Day Eating...
How to Survive Thanksgiving for Adults with Eating Disorders

How to Survive Thanksgiving for Adults with Eating Disorders

  I’ve lived all of my life in the UK apart from the last six years so thankfully (pun intended) I didn’t have to deal with Thanksgiving when I was at my sickest with Anorexia. I did, however, have to deal with Christmas and other UK holidays. And...

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