Can you separate your triggers from your eating disorder?

Can you separate your triggers from your eating disorder?

Can you separate your triggers from your eating disorder? In my last post I skimmed over this point, but I think it is incredibly important for both active and long-term recovery. The day that I really understood that my eating disorder was a mental disease with a...
Overshoot in Eating Disorder Recovery

Overshoot in Eating Disorder Recovery

This blog post is going to address overshoot in eating disorder recovery. It is the first of a couple that I have lined up on this incredibly important topic. Here’s the deal with overshooting your pre-eating disorder weight in recovery: you need to do it. In...
Love Fat Editouts: Big Fat Binge Liar

Love Fat Editouts: Big Fat Binge Liar

This blog is another section that I edited out of Love Fat: Living at home meant that the binges were getting more frequent and bigger—basically because there was more food available. My parent’s fridge was brimming with treats that the uncontrollable...

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