Restrictive eating disorders are like a mental autoimmune disease. In the respect that you literally attack yourself. For years I lived as if my body was the enemy. The enemy, and one that had this secret hidden agenda to do … I don’t know what. Gain...
Fiona Willer, AdvAPD, is the author of ‘The Non-Diet Approach Guidebook for Dietitians’, and co-author of ‘The Non-Diet Approach Guidebook for Psychologists and Counsellors’. Her business, Health, Not Diets, provides online and...
Deb Burgard, PhD, FAED* is a psychologist and activist from the San Francisco Bay Area specializing in concerns about body image, eating, weight stigma, and relationships. She is also one of the founders of the Health at Every Size(r) model, the original...
Rebecca Scritchfield is a registered dietitian nutritionist, certified exercise physiologist, author of the book Body Kindness, and host of the Body Kindness podcast. Through her weight-inclusive counseling practice, she helps people make peace with food, find...
In this podcast Tabitha talks to Sarah Thompson about her recovery, and her journey into body positivity. We also discuss: Being queer and having an eating disorder Weight stigma in eating disorder treatment The Be Nourished retreat and certification Recovery in an...