Eating disorder treatment professionals: Stop telling people “binge” eating is bad
I’ve written about binge/feast eating many times before. There is a whole chapter in my book about it. I’m still going to keep blogging about this frequently as it is a message that I’m passionate about. I believe the the misunderstanding about...
“My therapist was more scared of my weight gain than I was …” and other recovery stories
This blog is a collection of things that people have told me — unedited — in the last couple of weeks. This collection circles around what I see to be one of the primary problems with eating disorder treatment: Professionals reinforcing the very fears that the eating...
Recovery stories: Cannabis and eating disorder recovery
In this week’s podcast, Tabitha talks Sophia — a person currently in recovery — about medical use of cannabis in recovery from anorexia. Hello there, welcome to this weeks podcast. This week we are talking about medical marijuana/cannabis for use...