Question/Answer: Why is it so difficult for me to eat more?

Question/Answer: Why is it so difficult for me to eat more?

Here’s a question I got via email today. I will write here my opinion on this question. I would like to remind readers that my opinion is just that, and that we are all unique individuals so it would be impossible for my general opinion on anything at all to be...
Back to the veganism and eating disorders conversation

Back to the veganism and eating disorders conversation

I wrote a post sometime last year now about my opinion on why people who have suffered from an eating disorder such as Anorexia cannot, and should not be vegan. When I wrote it I assumed that I would get a fair amount of backlash from vegans—I expected criticism and...
Love Fat Editouts: Breastfeeding and Santa Claus

Love Fat Editouts: Breastfeeding and Santa Claus

This part I took out of Love Fat because, quite frankly, I had written so much about breastfeeding already that I thought any more would boarder on creepy. Love Fat is about fat and why we should love it, and my reasoning behind including breastfeeding conversation...
Cleanses and the Liver

Cleanses and the Liver

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and I have no medical qualifications- I just read a HECK of a lot of research papers.  This post is not to be read and taken as a substitute for medical treatment This post was designed to be be read by adults, it may or may not contain...

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