Anorexia and Exercise 2: The lower-level movement trap

Anorexia and Exercise 2: The lower-level movement trap

I wrote about Anorexia and exercise last week and the case for cold turkey. This post is the follow up to that and it addresses lower-level, movement. If you read the last post and thought “well that doesn’t apply to me because I don’t exercise...
Anorexia Recovery Eating: There is never too much food

Anorexia Recovery Eating: There is never too much food

This blog is based on my personal experience. We are all individuals, and you should always do what is right for your own body. When I went through extreme hunger in my recovery from Anorexia, my eating disorder told me that nobody on earth had ever experienced this....
My Daughter is an “Ethical” Vegan (With Anorexia) …

My Daughter is an “Ethical” Vegan (With Anorexia) …

I got the following comment on a post, and I woke up this morning realizing that by trying to be too kind in my response. I had done this women, her daughter, and any other readers an injustice. Here was the original question: My daughter is a vegan who is receiving...

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