Fear of Weight Gain: Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn

Fear of Weight Gain: Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn

It took me about 10 years to realise that my tendency to hit the roof in rage whenever my mother offered me food was actually an expression of fear. I’m kind of embarrassed it took me that long as it seems so bloody obvious now that someone popping their head...
Change. Change. Change. Change everything!

Change. Change. Change. Change everything!

Recovery from a long and enduring restrictive eating disorder is about change on every level. It is about changing every moment of every day so that your brain is unable to fall back into those old “safe” neural ruts of behaviour. Many people in recovery...
Full Recovery: Mental Flexibility

Full Recovery: Mental Flexibility

Full recovery is so so so much more than gaining weight. There are cascading and wonderful mental state shifts and changes that actually lead to the mental freedom that recovery is all about. And this mental freedom is why the often overlooked neural rewiring aspect...

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