Your Brain on Malnutrition: Eating Disorders and Money

Your Brain on Malnutrition: Eating Disorders and Money

I know I have blogged about eating disorders and money before. I have even done some podcasts on it. But I want to make sure that people link anxiety around spending money, and the scarcity mindset that food restriction creates. Scarcity mindset: For the evolving...
Your Brain on Malnutrition: Anorexia and Hoarding

Your Brain on Malnutrition: Anorexia and Hoarding

I blogged about the scarcity mindset last week. Now I will go a little more into some of the more common behavioral repercussions that I have noticed people with malnourished brains tend to develop. This blog post is about hoarding. Not all of you reading this will...
Your Brain on Malnutrition: Scarcity Mindset

Your Brain on Malnutrition: Scarcity Mindset

I’ve done a load of YouTube videos on “your brain on malnutrition” but this is such an important aspect of understanding your anorexia or eating disorder behaviours that I’m going to start a series on it in this blog too. Scarcity mindset is...

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