Complusive Movement Cold Turkey: Creating space for new things

Complusive Movement Cold Turkey: Creating space for new things

I mentioned the uncomfortable silence that stopping the compulsions and rituals that many of us with anorexia establish in a previous blog on lower-level movement here. This post is an elaboration on that. A “spiritually enlightened” person once said this...
Mid-Recovery Clusterfuck: Body Guilt

Mid-Recovery Clusterfuck: Body Guilt

I’ve written about Mid-Recovery Clusterfuck stuff before, more in the sense of the emotions that blow up when your brain starts to care more about other people and life experiences than it does about obsessing over food and exercise. And the discomfort and grief...
Lower-level movement and why it is scary to be still

Lower-level movement and why it is scary to be still

Lower-level movement After stopping exercise, it became clear that my lower-level movement urges — walking, cleaning, shopping-without-buying, etc — were increasing. It took me a while to work out I had to cease responding to all these compulsions too. More on...
My cold turkey journey: Fear

My cold turkey journey: Fear

I’ve talked about stopping compulsive exercise. I get lots of questions on this topic, and requests to elaborate. Here is a little more information on how cold turkey played out for me. In this post I will focus on the obstacles to cold turkey. The things that...

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