How Anorexia Affected My Personality (Introvert/Extrovert)

How Anorexia Affected My Personality (Introvert/Extrovert)

Anorexia affected my personality in many ways. Today I am going to focus on the introvert/extrovert aspect. First off: I pass no judgement whatsoever on the values associated with introversion and extroversion, None whatsoever. This post is nothing to do with saying...
Introvert, Anti-social, or Just Plain Rude?

Introvert, Anti-social, or Just Plain Rude?

“Introversion? Yes, I know all about introversion, I have many friends who are introvert, in fact, I am sometimes one myself.” It often surprises me how people react when I tell then that I amĀ an introvert. It’s endearing for sure, as most respond by...

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