Eating Disorder Resources

Eating disorders are the types of illnesses that are so complicated, one can never read enough on them!

Here are some of my favorite places of information.

Science of Eating Disorder Blog.  So Wonderful for the science geeks among us

 F.E.A.S.T just incredible! I cannot recommend this strongly enough as a resource.

Nutrition intervention in the treatment of eating disorders.

Neurobiology of Eating Disorders

Puzzling SymptomsA family guide to the Neurobiology of Eating Disorders.

Eating Disorders 101 University of California.

Specially For Parents:

Help Your Teenager Beat An Eating Disorder, by James Lock and Daniel LeGrange.

Early intervention: What, why and how?” Katharine Loeb, PhD, Maudsley Parents Conference, February 2012 Slides only

Eating With Your Anorexic: How My Child Recovered Through Family-Based Treatment and Yours Can Too, by Laura Collins. 

“Why Parents are Not to Blame for Anorexia Nervosa” Audio lecture at University of Melbourne by Dr. Daniel le Grange, March 2009 (110 minutes)

 Maudsley Parents

My Favorite Books:

“Eating With Your Anorexic“, is a book written by Laura Collins (McGraw-Hill, 2005). Foreword by Dr. James Lock, Director of the Eating Disorders Program at Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford.

  • ISBN-10: 0071445587 / ISBN-13: 978-0071445580

Decoding Anorexia” A book written by Carrie Arnold that explains anorexia from a biological point of view.

  • ISBN-13: 978-0415898676

“Help Your Teenager Beat an Eating Disorder“, James Lock and Daniel le Grange

Publisher: Guilford Publications, Inc.

  • ISBN-13: 9781572309081


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