![How eating disorders affect our values, and our decisions [Podcast]](https://tabithafarrar.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/My-Post-32.jpg)
![How eating disorders affect our values, and our decisions [Podcast]](https://tabithafarrar.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/My-Post-32.jpg)

What Yoga Teachers Need to Know About Eating Disorders
I’m writing this as a resource for yoga instructors. It is by no-means complete and you are likely going to have to browse this blog and my podcasts to fully understand a lot of the things I talk about here. If you can’t be bothered to do that, however,...
Anorexia recovery: Be the agent rather than the victim
This is post about empowering you to know that if you want to recover, and if you take the actions needed in order to recover, you will. In order to fully recover, regardless of your deal in life, you have to have agency. You have to actively work for recovery rather...
Full recovery means even stressful situations aren’t as stressful
We haven’t had to move house for a long time. On purpose, because everyone knows how horrid moving house is. Well, we just did it again this month. This move was horrid — still is actually as we’re trying to remodel the place we are moving in to as we move...