Extreme Hunger in Anorexia Recovery

Extreme Hunger in Anorexia Recovery

Ready and waiting for the criticism that I may get as a result of writing about this. I don’t care. I don’t believe that shielding adults in recovery from eating disorders from the events that can, and do often, happen along the recovery path helps anyone....
Binge Eating in Eating Disorder Recovery

Binge Eating in Eating Disorder Recovery

This blog is based on my personal experience. We are all individuals, and you should always do what is right for your own body.   Many of us in recovery from eating disorder experience binge eating. I certainly did, and I wrote about it extensively in my book,...
How Anorexia Affected My Personality (Introvert/Extrovert)

How Anorexia Affected My Personality (Introvert/Extrovert)

Anorexia affected my personality in many ways. Today I am going to focus on the introvert/extrovert aspect. First off: I pass no judgement whatsoever on the values associated with introversion and extroversion, None whatsoever. This post is nothing to do with saying...
Eating Disorders and Money – Part Two

Eating Disorders and Money – Part Two

Last week I wrote about eating disorders and money for the first time. One thing the comments on Facebook and the post confirmed is that many people suffering from eating disorders also experience strange feelings/thoughts/ behaviours around money. In this post...

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