Not a usual post from me.  I just want to tell you about the upcoming Boulder, Colorado workshop I am offering May 20-12.

Actually first of all I want to tell you about a free ED-ucation on Eating Disorders Seminar that I am presenting at in Canada next week. I have never been to Canada before so am very much looking forward to seeing it. If anyone is in the Nova Scotia area this is a free event so please check it out and consider coming to say hi! Deets here:

If you come, make sure to come up to me and say the code word: cheeseburger. That’ll get you a hug and a free wristband. 

Anyway, back to the Boulder workshop:

I’ve just finished writing the workbook for this so am rather excited about it all. It is a total recovery planning workshop which you can either come to on your own, or bring someone who is helping you with you (partner or parent or friend) and you will come away with a solid goal achievement plan, communication strategy, and continuation/follow up resources — this part I think is really important: each participant gets a free follow up Skype session with me to troubleshoot and check progress once you are back home. This is a totally out of the box workshop. Nothing you can’t ask sort of deal, and geared specifically to you.

A couple of you have tried to purchase the workbook online already, but it is designed to accompany the blurb that will be delivered by yours truly at the actual workshop, so possibly not all that much use unless you are at the workshop in person. I know, I know, in this world of online everything it is hard to imagine why you would want to travel to Boulder for an in-person workshop. Trust me, it will be worth it. Here are some reasons:

  1. You get ask questions about you. Your recovery is your recovery and the point of the workshop is being able to personalize your recovery project to you and only you. Things that you know about yourself and past recovery attempts/history all get rolled into the recovery project.
  2. You’ll be forced to give your recovery your full concentration for 2 whole days. This is important too. Recovery is a large undertaking and takes planning. Think of this as a recovery retreat and refocusing.
  3. You can ask questions about me, and my experience. I work full time with adults in recovery. I work with people all over the world. There is not a one-size fits all solution, but there is an amalgamation of knowledge that comes from different people and different situations to draw from.
  4. It will be a small group. Ten peeps max!
  5. You get to come to Boulder. Enough said!

The workshop is priced at $200 for the 2 days and this includes $100 worth of follow up Skype sessions with me. If you bring someone else then you get a $50 discount per person. I do not want price to be a barrier to anyone. If you want to come but need to talk about money, email me. We’ll make it happen.

If you want to come but don’t need to talk about money, fabulous! You can book a spot here. 

Full workshop outline below:



Realistic Recovery for Adults with Eating Disorders

with Tabitha Farrar

May 20th and 21st 2017


These 2-day workshops are designed to inform about eating disorders and effective  and realistic recovery ideas in the home, and also provide attendees with a structured and organized strategy for sustainable recovery. They are open to both individuals with eating disorders and parents/partners/supporters.

The workshop is a mixture of information and recovery planning. All participants will work though the AEDRA realistic recovery for adults workbook and will come away with a realistic plan to put into immediate effect either for themselves or for another individual. There will be opt-in follow up sessions for progress review.

Day One

Establishing a solid and effective recovery structure

  • Understanding “functional” eating disorders and where to start with overcoming entrenched behaviors.
  • Principles of Family-Based Treatment as applied to adults with eating disorders and the AEDRA approach.
  • Setting up recovery as a project management operation: Goals and outcomes
  • How to work with the person and against the eating disorder.
  • Creating a recovery-centric household.
  • Resources: Putting together a functional treatment team — and other non-professional support tools.
  • Meal planning, mealtimes, importance of meal support.
  • Meal support set up and situational troubleshooting.
  • Weight restoration — achieving and maintaining.

Day Two

Making an anti-eating-disorder environment into a way of family life

  • Setting up recovery as a project management operation: Error logs and pivots
  • Overshoot, weight distribution, MRC and other typical recovery processes.
  • Family dynamics for adult sufferers.
  • How to recover around children and sustain recovery.
  • Managing extended family and friends — holidays, gatherings, Christmas etc.
  • Continuing Recovery — recovery meeting structure and progress reviews.
  • Lower-level support systems and how to make effective use of them.
  • Accountability structure and problem-shooting failure.
  • After weight restoration: triggers and other considerations.
  • How to learn from failure for a robust recovery.
  • Relapse prevention strategy.

Price $200 ($50 discount per person when you book for 2 or more)

Price includes 2 x 30 min follow up sessions via Skype (worth $100)


Hellems Building, CU, Boulder, Colorado

Book a spot here.


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