Why Eating Disorder Treatment Needs an Overhaul

Why Eating Disorder Treatment Needs an Overhaul

There was a study published this month that showed what many of us have been saying for a long time: eating disorder treatment is massively ineffective in many cases and the industry is badly in need of some sort of overhaul. The study was published under the...
Veganism and Eating Disorders: Let’s Be Frank

Veganism and Eating Disorders: Let’s Be Frank

Before I piss off any vegans with this post, let’s get one thing straight: I have nothing against vegans, nor am I saying that nobody can be vegan. I am not attacking veganism—frankly I don’t really give a shit what other people do and don’t eat...
The Modeling Industry and Anorexia

The Modeling Industry and Anorexia

Before we get started: This post is based on my experience, and on my interpretation of the events that I experienced. It is not supposed to be a generalization of all modeling agencies, all sufferers of eating disorders or anything else for that matter. Even I am not...
Question: Does the Urge to Binge During Recovery Ever Cease?

Question: Does the Urge to Binge During Recovery Ever Cease?

I was asked a really good and relevant question asked by a reader this week. In response to the blog post that I wrote a while ago on the bloated fat tummy syndrome that a person in recovery from anorexia suffers, she wondered if the urge to binge eat during recovery...
Holy Crap I Made a Book!

Holy Crap I Made a Book!

[schema type=”book” url=”tabithafarrar.com” name=”Love Fat” description=”A book about anorexia, eating disorders, diet culture, and the role of fat as a nutrient” author=”Tabitha Farrar”...

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