Cleanses and the Liver

Cleanses and the Liver

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and I have no medical qualifications- I just read a HECK of a lot of research papers.  This post is not to be read and taken as a substitute for medical treatment This post was designed to be be read by adults, it may or may not contain...
Low calorie formula!?

Low calorie formula!?

Such hideously bad news! In a nutshell, formula companies are reducing the calorific content of formula in a response to the growing obesity problem despite the fact that existing studies show that reducing caloric density does not result in fewer calories consumed....

Ode to Fat

By Nichole Nurenberg  Nichole is a friend of mine, she writes some very wise things: Truth be told, I love fat. I love the fat on my son and on other babies, in bacon, butter, on my own body, in my happy-chicken eggs, on the bodies of my neighbors and community, in...
Fat Definition, Word Origin, and Nutritional History

Fat Definition, Word Origin, and Nutritional History

I have a simmering obsession with word origins. I also write about fat a lot, so it would be rude of me not to look into the word and where it came from.  After that, we’ll look into its rise and fall in popularity. Fat: Word Origin and Use In Old English fætt...

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