Rehabilitate, Rewire, Recover, Second Edition

Okay so here is a very odd admission; it is common for me to forget what I have written in a book within 6 months of writing it. Rehabilitate, Rewire, Recover has been playing on my mind a little due to this. People would email me and thank me for writing it and while...
I’ve not been blogging because I like being lazy

I’ve not been blogging because I like being lazy

lazy adjective 1. unwilling to work or use energy. This year, “unwilling to work or use energy,” sounds about right when it comes to writing, reading, accounting, or anything related to my computer. It’s been the most unproductive year I’ve had...
Lunchbox policing

Lunchbox policing

I had a teddy-bear shaped red plastic lunchbox in primary school. Mum packed it for me. Generally a sandwich, yoghurt, piece of fruit, bag of crisps, biscuits, jaffa cakes, and a chocolate bar or sweets. If it was a good day, cake. There were no lunchbox police when I...
Fear of Weight Gain: Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn

Fear of Weight Gain: Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn

It took me about 10 years to realise that my tendency to hit the roof in rage whenever my mother offered me food was actually an expression of fear. I’m kind of embarrassed it took me that long as it seems so bloody obvious now that someone popping their head...

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