For Sarah [Podcast]

For Sarah [Podcast]

Warning: This episode may be difficult or triggering for some listeners. It involves talking about a person who recently died of anorexia. In this podcast, Tabitha talks about a person who recently died as a result of the malnutrition associated with anorexia.  Sarah...
Getting your weird little OCD traits to work for you in recovery

Getting your weird little OCD traits to work for you in recovery

This is going to be one of those posts that some people will read and nod their heads “yep” the whole way through, and others will read and think I am utterly batty. I’m going to attempt to put into words something that is difficult to describe. Bear...
Atypical Anorexia (Podcast)

Atypical Anorexia (Podcast)

You can download and listen to this podcast here:
How not to allow the Ditch of Fear to swallow you in recovery.

How not to allow the Ditch of Fear to swallow you in recovery.

Fear is the biggest obstacle in recovery for most of us. Most commonly, fear of weight gain. For many of us, fear of our unsuppressed bodyweight is what keeps us circling through actions that are intended to suppress weight gain. Fear of change also factors in and...
Eating past tears, and choosing to smile.

Eating past tears, and choosing to smile.

When I was sick with anorexia I didn’t cry very much. I was angry a lot, yes, but I didn’t often cry from sadness. I wasn’t the complete emotional void that a person with anorexia stereotypically might be, but I didn’t cry a lot. Which is...
Will I ever be able to exercise again?

Will I ever be able to exercise again?

I get asked this question a lot from people who are compulsive movers. The answer is yes, if you want. Actually, the whole point of full recovery is that you can do whatever the fuck you want. But …, and … do not be in a hurry to get back to exercise....
Rewiring Fear: Recognising, Challenging, Overcoming

Rewiring Fear: Recognising, Challenging, Overcoming

You can’t overcome something that you can’t challenge. You can’t challenge something that you can’t recognize. Fear, despite being present in everyone I have ever worked with in recovery, is a bit of a slippery eel sometimes. My relationship...
Eating food is not a math equation. Stop methodizing eating.

Eating food is not a math equation. Stop methodizing eating.

Edit: A reminder I write for adults in active recovery. This is not a blog saying that children, or people who are generally resisting recovery, or people who are in need of IP care, or people who can not (yet) access desire should not be on a meal plan. As I have...
PSA: The fat on your body is there by design

PSA: The fat on your body is there by design

I know, I know. Those of you who read my books, blogs, listen to podcasts, and YouTube will be thinking “Why the heck is she harping on about this again? She’s already covered it everywhere … “ Every day the importance of this topic is demonstrated to me. So I’ll keep...
Eating disorders and disabilities: cerebral palsy

Eating disorders and disabilities: cerebral palsy

In this podcast Tabitha Farrar talks to Hannah, about eating disorders and cerebral palsy. Tabitha’s note: I have worked with a number of clients with anorexia who also have cerebral palsy. The aspects of body image and body control justification that Hannah...

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