Recovery Stories: Eating Disorders and Stealing

Recovery Stories: Eating Disorders and Stealing

Admitting to stealing when I was sick with anorexia was one of the very last things I came around to being able to talk about. I was so deeply ashamed. I feared the reactions and judgements I would get from others should I be open about it. I am so glad I found the courage to share, because I know from some of the emails I get on this topic that in doing so I enabled others to better understand that their own stealing behaviour was/is a consequence of malnutrition, and a brain that perceives resource scarcity. And not, I repeat, not, a character flaw. You will do things when you are in malnutrition that are far out of character. Not eating enough food strips us down to the core of what it is to be a mammal. It turns on survival-instinct behaviours and reactions that for many people are never experienced.

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Anorexia recovery: Act on the truth, and only the truth

Anorexia recovery: Act on the truth, and only the truth

I know your truth. Your truth is that you are tired and hungry — no, exhausted and starving — and all you really want to do is sit on the coach and eat mountains of food. I also know that this truth frightens you. So you are trying hard to ignore and reject it You...

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What Yoga Teachers Need to Know About Eating Disorders

What Yoga Teachers Need to Know About Eating Disorders

I'm writing this as a resource for yoga instructors. It is by no-means complete and you are likely going to have to browse this blog and my podcasts to fully understand a lot of the things I talk about here. If you can't be bothered to do that, however, this is give...

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Anorexia recovery: Be the agent rather than the victim

Anorexia recovery: Be the agent rather than the victim

This is post about empowering you to know that if you want to recover, and if you take the actions needed in order to recover, you will. In order to fully recover, regardless of your deal in life, you have to have agency. You have to actively work for recovery rather...

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Full Recovery: Mental Flexibility

Full Recovery: Mental Flexibility

Full recovery is so so so much more than gaining weight. There are cascading and wonderful mental state shifts and changes that actually lead to the mental freedom that recovery is all about. And this mental freedom is why the often overlooked neural rewiring aspect...

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Recovery From Restrictive Eating: Other People’s Food

Recovery From Restrictive Eating: Other People’s Food

"Other people's food." You know, the food that other people eat. The food that is for them. Not for you. Not eating other people's food makes you different. Special. Less dependent. Until you realize it doesn't. I'd been getting braver. So much braver. I'd eaten more...

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Recovery Commitments: Unrestricted eating

Recovery Commitments: Unrestricted eating

These recovery commitments posts are outlining some of the most common reasons that people in recovery get anxious and stressed and suggesting some simplifications for those moments. I believe that one of the fundamental reasons that we feel stressed in recovery is...

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Recovery Commitments: Weight Gain

Recovery Commitments: Weight Gain

These recovery commitments posts are outlining some of the most common reasons that people in recovery get anxious and stressed and suggesting some simplifications for those moments. I believe that one of the fundamental reasons that we feel stressed in recovery is...

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Recovery commitments: Allow it to be simple

Recovery commitments: Allow it to be simple

Over the next couple of weeks I will be posting blogs focusing on "recovery commitments." These recovery commitments posts will be outlining some of the most common reasons that people in recovery get anxious and stressed and suggesting some simplifications for those...

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Your Brain on Malnutrition: Stealing

Your Brain on Malnutrition: Stealing

This is a tough one. Other scarcity mindset traits like hoarding items, and obsessively saving money are weird but don't have the same shame and guilt attached to them as stealing does. I have written in detail about my own kleptomania.  In this post I want to further...

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Your Brain on Malnutrition: Eating Disorders and Money

Your Brain on Malnutrition: Eating Disorders and Money

I know I have blogged about eating disorders and money before. I have even done some podcasts on it. But I want to make sure that people link anxiety around spending money, and the scarcity mindset that food restriction creates. Scarcity mindset: For the evolving...

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Your Brain on Malnutrition: Anorexia and Hoarding

Your Brain on Malnutrition: Anorexia and Hoarding

I blogged about the scarcity mindset last week. Now I will go a little more into some of the more common behavioral repercussions that I have noticed people with malnourished brains tend to develop. This blog post is about hoarding. Not all of you reading this will...

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PSA: The fat on your body is there by design

PSA: The fat on your body is there by design

You can’t fight your biology and win. Try willing yourself a couple of inches taller and see where you get with that. It doesn’t work. The thing with genes is you either suck it up and learn to work with them, or (as anyone who has spent any length of time in high heels knows) you spend your life in pain and misery.

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Recovery Stories: Eating Disorders and Stealing

Recovery Stories: Eating Disorders and Stealing

Admitting to stealing when I was sick with anorexia was one of the very last things I came around to being able to talk about. I was so deeply ashamed. I feared the reactions and judgements I would get from others should I be open about it. I am so glad I found the courage to share, because I know from some of the emails I get on this topic that in doing so I enabled others to better understand that their own stealing behaviour was/is a consequence of malnutrition, and a brain that perceives resource scarcity. And not, I repeat, not, a character flaw. You will do things when you are in malnutrition that are far out of character. Not eating enough food strips us down to the core of what it is to be a mammal. It turns on survival-instinct behaviours and reactions that for many people are never experienced.

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Anorexia recovery: Act on the truth, and only the truth

Anorexia recovery: Act on the truth, and only the truth

I know your truth. Your truth is that you are tired and hungry — no, exhausted and starving — and all you really want to do is sit on the coach and eat mountains of food. I also know that this truth frightens you. So you are trying hard to ignore and reject it You...

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What Yoga Teachers Need to Know About Eating Disorders

What Yoga Teachers Need to Know About Eating Disorders

I'm writing this as a resource for yoga instructors. It is by no-means complete and you are likely going to have to browse this blog and my podcasts to fully understand a lot of the things I talk about here. If you can't be bothered to do that, however, this is give...

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Anorexia recovery: Be the agent rather than the victim

Anorexia recovery: Be the agent rather than the victim

This is post about empowering you to know that if you want to recover, and if you take the actions needed in order to recover, you will. In order to fully recover, regardless of your deal in life, you have to have agency. You have to actively work for recovery rather...

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Full Recovery: Mental Flexibility

Full Recovery: Mental Flexibility

Full recovery is so so so much more than gaining weight. There are cascading and wonderful mental state shifts and changes that actually lead to the mental freedom that recovery is all about. And this mental freedom is why the often overlooked neural rewiring aspect...

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